On 9th May 2023, we attended the annual Lake Dunstan Aquatic Weed Management meeting to review the 2022/23 works and assist in the planning for 2023/24. Toitū Te Whenua LINZ, Boffa Miskell, NIWA, ORC, Otago Fish & Game, Clutha Fisheries Trust, and ourselves were in attendance.
Lake Dunstan's volunteer watchdogs are welcoming a new plan that will ensure the owners of the Clyde Dam work to better clean up a section of the lake.
Contact Energy has delivered a plan for managing landscape and visual amenity values along the Kawarau Arm of Lake Dunstan - within its consents held around its Clyde Hydro scheme in Central Otago.
Back in July there was a brief one in five year window where ORC could trigger a review of resource consent conditions relating to the effects of the Clyde Dam. The Lake Dunstan Charitable Trust submitted two open letters of recommendation to the ORC to request this process be triggered.
Last week, ORC revealed they will progress with a review of conditions associated with the Landscape Visual Amenity Management Plan (LVAMP). Current consents expire in 2042, however, the 5-year windows allow for reassessments and necessary changes to better comply with the RMA. Exactly what Contact Energy needs to do to manage the effects on Lake Dunstan of its operation of the Clyde Dam will come under the spotlight.
The Otago Regional Council has opted to take a once-in-a-five-year opportunity to review the energy company’s resource consent obligations. From tomorrow until the end of April (excluding weekends and public holidays), there will be intermittent spraying in and around Lake Dunstan to control Lagarosiphon in our waterways.
This work is dependent on suitable weed, water, and weather conditions and therefore the timing is subject to change. Diquat in gel form will be used to treat aquatic weeds and will be applied by both aerial and boats based spraying methods. There is be a 24-hour stand-down on swimming, fishing, or taking water for irrigation or domestic supply once the spraying is complete.
September 2023